Does changing a job means abandoning your lovely tech stack?
Recently I changed my job, where I had been familiar with WordPress, Laravel based on previous job responsibilities for almost 10 years. The new job involves python and JavaScript among the skill set required.
Here is a tricky part.
It surely takes a enough time, energy to master any tech stack.
When you change a job, you feel like you have a room to learn new skills, which is true. But is it worth abandoning your previous tech stack at all?
Having a good knowledge of algorithm and data structure skills is the most important part as a programmer. But still it takes some investment in learning a programming language, which makes it harder.
By tech stack I mean:
MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJs), MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node.js), LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl or Python)
However much I have the urge to code in Javascript only and jump into MERN, I feel like I want to stick with LAMP at least for a while :)
Python is a simple language, I would like to do a lot with it as well.
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